

Shaykh Ahmad Fathullah Jami’

The knower of Allah, the renewer, and spiritual nurturer, my master Shaykh Ahmad bin Fathullah Jami’ - may Allah have mercy on him - was shaykh of the Shadhiliyyah Qadiriyyah order. He grew up in a noble family, known for their piety, righteousness, knowledge, courage and helping the distressed.


Sayyid Abbas bin Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki Al-Hasani

Sayyid Abbas bin Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki Al-Hasani was born in Mecca in 1367 AH. He grew up in a household of knowledge and virtue under the guidance of his parents. His father, Sayyid Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki - may Allah have mercy on him - was a teacher at the Masjid al-Haram.


Sharif Abdullah bin Faraj Al-Sharif

Sharif Abdullah bin Faraj Al-Abdali Al-Hasani, may Allah have mercy on him, was a scholar of Islamic jurisprudence and its principles, a spiritual educator, and a journalist (1361-1443 AH). He was born in the city of Taif in 1941 and received his early education in its traditional schools where he learned the principles of reading, writing, Islamic law, and Quranic recitation.



Sayyid Muhammad Amin Kutbi

Muhammad Amin bin Muhammad Amin bin Muhammad Salih bin Muhammad Husayn Kutbi Al-Hasani Al-Hanafi (a descendant of the noble Prophet, peace and blesssings be upon him), was nicknamed "Natiq Al-Asr" (The Voice of the Era) by Sayyid Hasan bin Muhammad Fad'aq (may Allah have mercy upon him).


Abu Bakr Attas bin Abdullah Al-Habshi

Al-Habib Abu Bakr Attas bin Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Habshi al-Husayni - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Yemen in 1328 AH and was raised by his father. He memorized the Quran and studied the principles of knowledge under his brother, Al-Husayn. Later, Al-Habib Abu Bakr joined the Ribat of Tarim, where he received instruction from notable scholars, including Shaykh Abdullah bin Umar Al-Shatiri and Shaykh Umar bin Ahmad bin Sumayt.


Shaykh Maymun Zubayr

Shaykh Maymun Zubayr - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Indonesia in approximately 1348 AH / 1928. He grew up in a household of knowledge and faith, inheriting noble qualities from his father and grandfather. His father took care of his religious education from a young age, and Shaykh Maymun memorized the texts of the beginner level and beyond, and studied all the sciences of Islamic law.


Sayyid Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki

Shaykh Alawi bin Abbas bin Abdul Aziz bin Abbas bin Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Maliki Al-Makki Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Mecca in 1328 AH, and his lineage goes back to Idris Al-Azhar bin Idris Al-Akbar, and continues all the way to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). His father raised him well, and he memorized the Quran at the age of ten and led the Tarawih prayers in the Grand Mosque.



Shaykh Hassan Muhammad Mashat

Abu Ahmad Hasan bin Muhammad bin Abbas bin Ali bin Abdul Wahid Al-Mashat (may Allah have mercy on him), was born in Mecca in 1317 AH. He received his education in traditional schools (kuttab) and then attended Madrasah al-Sulatiyyah, where he was then appointed a teacher. He also taught at the Holy Mosque. He worked in the Sharia courts, became a member of the Supreme Judicial Council.


Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki

Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi bin Abbas Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani Al-Hashimi - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Mecca in 1367 AH / 1945. Coming from a scholarly family, he began studying Islamic knowledge at an early age and learned from several prominent scholars, including his father, Shaykh Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki. He studied in Mecca before traveling in search of knowledge to Egypt, Morocco, India, and Pakistan
