
Sheikh Muhammad Belkayed Al-Hibri

Shaykh Muhammad Belkaid Al-Hibri

Shaykh Muhammad Belkaid Al-Hibri, the Hasani Idrissi Sharif - may Allah have mercy on him - was the founder of the Belkaidiya Hibriya Sufi order and one of the prominent figures in Sufism. He was born in 1911 in Tlemcen, Algeria. He started studying at a young age and attained a lofty status in the hearts of his shaykhs, many of whom granted him permission (ijazah). One of the most prominent among them was Shaykh Muhammad Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani - may Allah have mercy on him. He was known for his good manners, eagerness for goodness, and spreading knowledge. His soul departed on Friday, 28 Rabi Al-Akhir 1419 AH / 1998.

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