
Sheikh Abdul Aziz eyes black

Sheikh Abdul Aziz eyes black

He is Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Sheikh Muhammad Ali Bin Sheikh Abdul Ghani Black Eyes. He was born in Homs in 1916 A.D. sixteen nine hundred and one thousand from birth.
He memorized the Noble Qur’an, learned the seven, ten, and four abnormal recitations, the science of graphology, exactness, and counting verses from the great scholars of recitations of his time, inside and outside his country. He also learned other sciences, such as the noble hadith and its sciences, and the legal and Arabic sciences.
His elders:
1 - Sheikh Suleiman Al-Fareskouri Al-Masri, who took from him the seven readings in the context of Al-Shatibiyya. Good publishing. 4 - Sheikh Ahmad Hamid al-Taiji, Sheikh of the reciters and reciters in Makkah al-Musharafa, he read the fourteen recitations to him5 - The scholar Sheikh Ali bin Muhammad al-Dabaa’, from him he received the fourteen recitations and the rhythm of the flower in the interludes, and Aqila of the comrades of poems in drawing, the al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah and others. 6 - His father Sheikh Muhammad Ali, the eyes of the blacks. 7 - Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar the eyes of the blacks. 8 - Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Khawja.

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