
The well-known beloved Abu Bakr al-Adani

The well-known beloved Abu Bakr al-Adani

The beloved Abu Bakr bin Ali, the well-known - may God have mercy on him - is related to the family of the House, may God bless them. He was born in the city of Ahwar in 1366 AH. He was brought up in the eye of his father, who taught him knowledge and memorized the Qur’an. Sheikh Ali bin Abi Bakr Al-Mashhour, Sheikh Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki , the beloved Ahmed Mashhour bin Taha Al-Haddad , the beloved Abu Bakr Al-Attas bin Abdullah Al-Habashi , the beloved Abdul Qadir Ahmed Al-Saqqaf , and others. In the year 1443 AH.

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