
Sheikh Abdul Halim Mahmoud

Shaykh Abdul Halim Mahmoud

Shaykh Abdul Halim Mahmoud was born in the village of Abu Ahmed, on the outskirts of the city of Belbeis in the Governorate of Sharqia, on the 2nd of Jumada al-Awwal, 1328 AH / May 12, 1910. The village was named after his grandfather, Abu Ahmed, who founded and developed it, and is now known as "As-Salam."

Shaykh Imam Abdul Halim Mahmoud grew up in a noble family well-known for righteousness and piety. He memorized the Quran at an early age and excelled in all sciences and surpassed his peers. He reached a great level of knowledge and righteousness and was appointed shaykh of Al-Azhar, and Allah benefited the country and its people through him. He passed away after returning from Hajj on the 16th of Dhul-Qa'dah, 1398 AH / October 17, 1978. The Islamic community received the news of his death with sadness, and thousands of Muslims gathered at Al-Azhar Mosque to perform his funeral prayer and bid him farewell to his final resting place. He left behind a rich intellectual legacy that is still being republished and printed.

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