
Characters from Iraq and the Levant

Sheikh Mustafa survived

Mustafa bin Muhyiddin Naja (June 13, 1853 - January 31, 1932) was a Lebanese Muslim scholar in the Ottoman era and a mystical mystic. He was born in Beirut and read to Youssef Al-Assir, Ibrahim Al-Ahdab and others. He was authorized to guide in Beirut, the first mayor of social welfare institutions, the Islamic Orphanage (the Islamic orphanage at the time) and headed the Committee of the Fruit of Ihsan School,

Sheikh Muhammad Saeed Al-Kurdi

He is Muhammad Saeed bin Ajaj bin Ali Al-Kurdi Al-Aizoli, relative to Musa bin Mahin Al-Aizoli, one of the righteous mentioned in the book “The Great Layers” of Imam Al-Shaarani. Due to the ignorance and poverty that prevailed in the country at that time, the sheikh was unable to learn Islamic sciences.

Sheikh Muhammad Othman Al-Naqshbandi

Sheikh Muhammad Othman Siraj al-Din al-Thani al-Naqshbandi - may God have mercy on him - was born in 1314 AH corresponding to the year 1896 CE. He was raised in the house of knowledge and piety, and he learned in religion, and studied the sciences of Arabic. He worked on the principles of Sufism and the etiquette of the Naqshbandi order, and his father took care of him in this aspect when he saw his enthusiasm. He had knowledge of prophetic medicine, and was famous for his literature and generosity of heart, and scholars and students used to visit him from all over the world. He passed away in 1417 AH corresponding to 1997 AD.

Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Habankah

Sheikh Hassan bin Marzouq bin Orabi bin Ghunaim Habankah al-Maidani - may God have mercy on him - was born in the year 1326 AH corresponding to the year 1908 AD in the al-Midan neighborhood of Damascus, and from here came his fame as "Al-Maidani". In it he emptied himself of his concerns, so he learned the language and agreed upon it at the hands of a number of the sheikhs of Damascus, bringing together the Hanafi and Shafi’i sheikhs. He took care of teaching as well as continuing to seek knowledge. He was known for his love of goodness and his loyalty to his sheikhs.

Sheikh Omar Malahifji

Omar Adel bin Muhammad Al-Malahfji Al-Nuaimi Al-Husseini - may God have mercy on him - his lineage is related to the family of the House, may God be pleased with them. He was born in 1931 CE, corresponding to the year 1350 AH, approximately. Signs of piety and love for the righteous appeared on Sheikh Omar early on, so he received knowledge in the Khosrovian school, then continued his studies at the hands of the great sheikhs of the city of Aleppo. At the end of his life, he migrated to Medina to be close to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and continued to spread knowledge until he died on Friday 12 Dhu al-Qi’dah 1433 AH corresponding to the 28th. September 2012 AD.

Sheikh Saad al-Din Muhammad Salim al-Murad

The gnostic Sheikh Saad al-Din Muhammad Salim al-Murad al-Hamwi al-Shazli - may God have mercy on him - is one of the figures of Sunni Sufism in the fifteenth century. He was born in 1931, corresponding to approximately 1349 AH, in the city of Hama, and he was raised in the shadows of parents from the family of the House, who instilled in him the meanings of faith, then he began to seek knowledge and memorized In the year 1401 AH, he moved to the city of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and then moved to Jeddah, where he stayed for many years leading people in the (Al-Hadi) mosque and holding councils of knowledge and acclamation for them. He passed away on the night of Friday, Shaaban 1, 1435 AH.

Sheikh Shukri Al-Lahfi

Knowing God Sheikh Shukri Al-Luhafi - may God have mercy on him - was born in Damascus in 1920 AD - 1338 AH approximately, and God’s providence overshadowed him in the harsh conditions in which he grew up. With the mediation of his condition, he was eager to learn, and the Lord Almighty instilled in his heart the love of the Qur’an, so he completed memorizing it at the age of nine. He was talented, so he learned the art Calligraphy and drawing, and rose in the ladder of knowledge until he became a teacher, then a director, then he rose in positions. He was known for his asceticism, humility, and love for helping people. He died in Damascus on Saturday, Shawwal 2, 1436 AH.

Sheikh Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Nabhani

For the imam who knows God, the educator, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Nabhani, Sheikh Muhammad al-Nabhan was born in the locality of Bab al-Nairab in Aleppo in the year 1318 AH. And his “sanctified secret” was built on a sound belief in the people of God, and love for the family of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Habbal

He is the righteous and ascetic sheikh Ahmad bin Muhammad Salih bin Abd al-Fattah al-Rifa’i al-Habal al-Dimashqi, born in 1323 AH and died in 1430 AH in Damascus, may God have mercy on him and benefit us from him. The righteous trader.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Haroun

Sheikh Al-Majzoub Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ghoneim Al-Haroun, Al-Hajjar, was born in the Al-Salihiya region, a large village with markets and a mosque at the foot of Mount Qasioun, in the year 1315 AH. His father is affiliated with Abu Al-Abbas Ahmed Al-Rifai Al-Husseini. Bin Othman bin Abi Talha Al-Qurashi, from Bani Abd al-Dar, from the people of Mecca. He grew up righteous and memorized the Qur’an at the age of seven. His mother brought him up until his father moved to the Supreme Companion.

Sheikh Nur al-Din Atar al-Hasani

The imam, scholar and scholar, Nour al-Din Atar al-Hassani, was born in 1356 AH in Aleppo, Syria. He received knowledge from many people of knowledge and righteousness until he mastered and excelled.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz eyes black

He is Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Sheikh Muhammad Ali Bin Sheikh Abdul Ghani Black Eyes. He was born in Homs in 1916 A.D. sixteen nine hundred and one thousand from birth.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Issa

He is Sheikh Abd al-Qadir bin Abdullah bin Qasim bin Muhammad bin Isa, Azizi al-Halabi al-Shazli, and his lineage reaches Sheikh Omar al-Baaj to the grandson of al-Hussain, peace be upon him. Abd al-Qadir was born in Aleppo in the year 1338 of the Prophet’s Hijrah, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to illiterate parents from the common Muslims, and he lived in their care a life of ease and prosperity.

Sheikh Abdul Karim, the teacher

He is the scholar Sheikh Abd al-Karim bin Muhammad bin Fateh bin Suleiman bin Mustafa bin Muhammad al-Khalidi, the well-known teacher of Sheikh Abd al-Karim Bayara.

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Shaghouri

He is the learned scholar, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Abdeen al-Shaghouri, al-Hasib al-Nassib, the sheikh of the Shadhili order in the Levant.

Sheikh Abdullah Siraj Al-Din Al-Husseini

He was born in the year 1342 of the Prophet’s Hijrah, corresponding to the year 1924 AD, in the city of Aleppo. His father, Sheikh Imam Muhammad Najib Serageldin. He joined the legal school (Al-Khusrawiyyah School), excelled among his peers, memorized the Qur’an, and worked on memorizing and studying hadith.

Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Al-Bouti

He is a scholar specializing in Islamic sciences, and one of the most important religious references in the Islamic world. He was born in 1347 AH and was influenced by his father, Sheikh Mulla Ramadan, who in turn was a religious scholar. He received religious and formal education in Damascus schools, then moved to Egypt to study at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

Sheikh Badr Al-Din Al-Hasani

Sheikh Badr al-Din al-Hassani was born in Damascus, may God be pleased with him, in the year 1267 AH in his father’s house adjacent to the Dar al-Hadith School of pious parents. He came to the Levant to learn about its poles, then to Constantinople, then to Fez, and the Levant was his residence, and there he taught and graduated students of knowledge who stood out and shone in this field. He moved to God's mercy in the year 1354 AH.