
Sayyid Muhammad Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani


Sayyid Muhammad Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani

He is the erudite scholar, the Scholar and Hafiz of Hadith, the Sayyid and Sharif, Muhammad Abdul-Hayy bin Abdul-Kabir bin Muhammad Al-Hasani Al-Idrisi, known as Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani, Abul Iqbal, Abul Isa’d and Abul Irshad. His father is Shaykh Abul Makarim Abdul-Kabir bin Abul Mafakhir Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahid Al-Hasani Al-Idrisi, known as Al-Kattani, the Shaykh and Imam of the Sunnah, a jurist among the notable people of Fez, tracing his lineage back to the eminent spiritual pole, the Imam, the knower of Allah, Idris bin Amir Al-Mu'minin, who in turn traces his lineage back to Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatima Al-Zahra, daughter of the Chosen Prophet, the Best of Creation, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

The Imam, the  Hafiz,Muhammad Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani, was born in the city of Fez in 1305 AH/1888, and he studied there, inheriting knowledge from a chain of senior scholars. He passed away in Paris in 1382 AH/1962.


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