
Sayyid Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki


Sayyid Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki


Shaykh Alawi bin Abbas bin Abdul Aziz bin Abbas bin Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad Al-Maliki Al-Makki Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Mecca in 1328 AH, and his lineage goes back to Idris Al-Azhar bin Idris Al-Akbar, and continues all the way to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). His father raised him well, and he memorized the Quran at the age of ten and led the Tarawih prayers in the Grand Mosque.

Shaykh Alawi then enrolled in Madrasah Al-Falah, where he excelled and became a teacher before graduating. He continued his education at higher levels and taught lower levels. In 1346 AH, he graduated from the school and worked as a teacher there the following year. He was also authorized to teach at the Grand Mosque in the same year.

He spent his life teaching and had many notable scholars as his teachers, including Shaykh Muhammad Al-Arabi At-Tabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Zahid Al-Kawthari, Shaykh Abdur Rahman bin Ubaydullah As-Saqqaf, and others. Shaykh Alawi authored numerous works. He passed away in Mecca in 1392 AH.

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