
Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki


Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki

Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi bin Abbas Al-Idrisi Al-Hasani Al-Hashimi - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Mecca in 1367 AH / 1945. Coming from a scholarly family, he began studying Islamic knowledge at an early age and learned from several prominent scholars, including his father, Shaykh Alawi bin Abbas Al-Maliki. He studied in Mecca before traveling in search of knowledge to Egypt, Morocco, India, and Pakistan. He received a master's and doctorate degree from Al-Azhar University. He was later appointed at the Grand Mosque. He made significant contributions to both scholarship and dawah work, establishing over 30 institutes and 30 schools in East and South Asia. Some of his teachers included Shaykh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad As-Saqqaf, Shaykh Abu Bakr Attas Al-Habshi, Shaykh Hasan Habnaka Al-Maydani, and many others. He passed away in Mecca in 1425 AH.

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