
Habib Jaafar bin Ahmed Al-Aidarous

Habib Jaafar bin Ahmed Al-Aidarous

He is the master, the knower of God, Jaafar bin Ahmed Al-Aydarous bin Abdul Qadir bin Salem Al-Aydarous, who ends with the lineage of our master Al-Hussein Ibn Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with them all. He was born in the city of Bor from Hadramout in 1308 AH, and there he grew up and was raised. He moved to Java after a period of time and stayed there for a long time. And he contacted the sheikhs of the country until he appeared and raised his status. He returned to his country, Hadhramout, and moved between Port, Sei’un, and Tarim. He moved to God’s mercy in Tarim, the town of his family and ancestors in 1396 AH, and was buried in the dome of Jeddah, Imam al-Aydaroos.

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