
Mr. Mohammed Al-Hashemi Al-Tlemsani

Sayyid Muhammad al-Hashimi at-Tilimsani

Sayyid Muhammad al-Hashimi at-Tilimsani - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Algeria in 1298 AH / 1881, to righteous parents from the family of the Prophet. His father was a scholar and a qadhi, so he followed in his father's footsteps in seeking knowledge from scholars. He then emigrated with his teacher, Muhammad bin Yels, to Damascus due to the state of colonialism, where he learned from the scholars of the Levant. He was known for his excellence and distinction until he was granted general authorization in Sufism by his teacher Mohammed bin Yels, and then special authorization by Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi.

He was known for his good treatment of people, humility, and gentleness towards them. He taught classes, and among those who learned from him was Shaykh Saad al-Din Mohammed Salim al-Murad - may Allah have mercy on him. He also authored many beneficial works. He passed away in 1381 AH / 1961.


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