
Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Omar al-Saqqaf

Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Omar al-Saqqaf

He is the scholar, the worshiper, the ascetic, the glorified, the beloved, the virtuous, the one who knows God, Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Omar al-Saqqaf - a resident of Qarsi from the outskirts of Surabaya. He was born in 1286 AH in (Bisuki) in Indonesia...his father sent him to Seiyun, Hadramout, the birthplace of his fathers and grandfathers. He learned from some of the scholars of his family and joined the bond of noble knowledge, so he sought knowledge of it with his sheikh, Imam Ali bin Muhammad al-Habashi, and he took full knowledge from him, then he got married. Basiyun, then returned to Indonesia and settled in Karsi. There, he contacted a number of prominent figures, such as the beloved Abdullah bin Muhsin Al-Attas, the beloved Abu Bakr bin Omar bin Yahya, and others. He spread the call to God in those parts, then he hid in solitude and was isolated from people for 17 years, then he left and adhered to the councils of the beloved Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Mihdhar. He was a distinguished personality, i.e. of a high stature and rank - in that Egypt. He used to frequent many countries spreading knowledge and da'wah, until he was afflicted with paralysis - he was confined to the house and he died by force in the year 1376 AH.

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