
Al-Ahsa and Amman

Shaykh Ahmad Ad-Dughan Al-Ahsa'i

The jurist Shaykh Ahmad Ad-Dughan Al-Ahsa'i was born in 1332 AH in Al-Hofuf, Al-Ahsa. He was raised there and acquired knowledge from local scholars, memorizing the Quran in his youth as well as several Islamic texts. He became a scholar of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence and established a school of Islamic knowledge in Al-Ahsa, as well as seminaries for incoming students.


Sayyid Yusuf Sayyid Hashim Ar-Rifai

Sayyid Yusuf Sayyid Hashim Sayyid Ahmad Ar-Rifai, born in 1932/1351 AH, was one of the most renowned religious scholars in Kuwait. He graduated from Kuwait University's Faculty of Arts, majoring in History, in 1970. Initially, he started his career in passport, residency,


Sayyid Ibrahim Aal Khalifah Al-Ahsai

Sayyid Ibrahim Al-Khalifah Al-Hasani Al-Ahsai (may Allah have mercy on him) was born in Al-Kut region in 1376 AH. He received a good scholarly upbringing, memorized the Quran at an early age, and acquired knowledge from the shaykhs. He was a jurist in the Shafi'i school and had a high aspiration to travel to meet scholars, which led him to having many shaykhs, including Shaykh Hasan bin Muhammad Al-Mashat.
