

Shaykh Muhammad at-Tahir bin Ashur

The renowned scholar and exegete, Muhammad at-Tahir bin Ashur (may Allah have mercy on him), was born in Tunisia in 1296 AH / 1879. He was a follower of the Maliki school and his family's origins can be traced back to the Idrisi Sharifs of Morocco. He excelled in various fields of knowledge such as Sharia (Islamic law) and language, and was proficient in both French and Arabic.


Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al-Habib Al-Amghari

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al-Habib Al-Amghari was born in Fez in 1290 AH / 1871. His family hailed from Marrakesh, and his father, Sidi Al-Habib, a righteous person, migrated to Fez. Shaykh Muhammad was raised with good character and high principles, and received full care and love from his parents, as he was an only child (may Allah be pleased with him). 


Shaykh Muhammad Al-Arabi At-Tabbani

The erudite scholar Muhammad Al-Arabi bin At-Tabbani, may Allah have mercy on him, was born in Algeria in 1315 AH. He began learning at a young age and completed memorizing the Quran by the age of twelve. He sat with scholars, benefited from them, and obtained their authorization, including from Shaykh Muhammad Bakhit Al-Muti'i, may Allah have mercy on him. Shaykh Muhammad Al-Arabi traveled to Tunisia, Madinah Munawwarah, Damascus, and Mecca in pursuit of knowledge.


Shaykh Omar al-Mukhtar

Omar ibn Mukhtar ibn Omar Al-Manifi Al-Hilali (may Allah have mercy on him) was known as the "Shaykh of Martyrs'' and the "Lion of the Desert." He was born on the 10th of Muharram, 1275 AH / August 20th, 1858, in Batnan, Burqa, in the Green Mountain. He grew up as an orphan, as his father had passed away when he was young.


Shaykh Mohammed Belkabir

The Shaykh and spiritual nurturer, Mohammed Belkabir, son of Abdullah son of Mohamed son of Abdulkarim, traces his lineage back to the great Companion, Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him). He was born in the Ghemarah Palace in Bouda, located 25 km west of the city of Adrar, in 1911 / 1330 AH. He studied in his hometown and memorized the Noble Quran, as well as texts on jurisprudence, grammar, and theology. He traveled to several countries to seek knowledge and teach.


As-Sayyid Al-Emir Abdelkader El Djazairi

He was born in the village of Guetna, near the city of Mascara in western Algeria in 1223 AH. He came from a noble family tracing its lineage back to Hasan ibn Ali, may Allah be pleased with them. He received his education at a young age, memorized the Quran and Hadith from his youth, and was known for his resistance against the colonial occupation.


Sayyid Muhammad al-Hashimi at-Tilimsani

Sayyid Muhammad al-Hashimi at-Tilimsani - may Allah have mercy on him - was born in Algeria in 1298 AH / 1881, to righteous parents from the family of the Prophet. His father was a scholar and a qadhi, so he followed in his father's footsteps in seeking knowledge from scholars. He then emigrated with his teacher, Muhammad bin Yels, to Damascus due to the state of colonialism, where he learned from the scholars of the Levant.


Sayyid Hamza bin Abbas Al-Budshishi

Sayyid Abu Jamal Hamza bin Abbas Al-Qadiri Al-Budshishi is the valiant Imam, the virtuous, the scholar who practiced what he knew, the noble Qadiri Hasani, a descendant of righteous and saintly people, and a grandson of leaders of jihad and guidance


Shaykh Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Mustafa Al-Alawi

Shaykh Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Mustafa bin Aliwa, known as Al-Alawi. He was born in Mostaganem in 1291 AH, where he grew up, and he passed away in 1934. He learned the principles of reading and some surahs from the Qur'an under the tutelage of his father, then engaged in trade and devoted his nights to learning. He eventually met his spiritual mentor, Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib al-Bouzidi al-Mostaganemi, whom he stuck by until his death in 1909.


Shaykh Muhammad Al-Makki Al-Kattani

Sayyid Muhammad al-Makki bin Muhammad bin Jafar al-Kattani al-Hasani was the president of the Rabita al-Ulama (Association of Scholars), the Mufti of the Malikiyya, a member of the founding council of the Muslim World League. He was born in 1312 AH in the city of Fez, Morocco,


Shaykh Muhammad Belkaid Al-Hibri

Shaykh Muhammad Belkaid Al-Hibri, the Hasani Idrissi Sharif - may Allah have mercy on him - was the founder of the Belkaidiya Hibriya Sufi order and one of the prominent figures in Sufism.


Shaykh Abdullah bin Siddiq Al-Ghumari

He is the Imam, the Authority, the jurisprudent, the Usuli, the Muhaddith, Sidi Abu Al-Fadl Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Al-Siddiq bin Ahmad bin Qasim Al-Ghumari Al-Hasani Al-Idrisi At-Tanji. He was born in the city of Tangier in 1328 AH / 1910, and belongs to the scholarly noble Al-Siddiq family, which is of Idrissid lineage.


Sayyid Muhammad Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani

He is the erudite scholar, the Scholar and Hafiz of Hadith, the Sayyid and Sharif, Muhammad Abdul-Hayy bin Abdul-Kabir bin Muhammad Al-Hasani Al-Idrisi, known as Abdul-Hayy Al-Kattani, Abul Iqbal, Abul Isa’d and Abul Irshad. 
